IIW 2018 Convention Project and Poetry Competition

All Inner Wheel member countries were invited to submit an entry for the Project and Poetry Competition.  The entry was required to showcase that country’s efforts to “Leave a Lasting Legacy”.

The Project and Poetry Competition received 45 fabulous entries which were displayed in the House of Friendship.  The Convention Team had the twenty winning entries and twenty five runners-up compiled into a beautiful book which Convention Coordinator Val Corva had the pleasure of presenting, during the Closing Ceremony, to IIW President Dr. Kapila Gupta as a tribute and thanks for her leadership, her wonderful 2017-2018 year and theme.  These projects truly epitomise the inspirational service work of IIW members globally.

The document containing all entries is available via the link below:

Project and Poetry Competition

Inner Wheel District A53 assists new Birthing Centre in Nepal

Inner Wheel District A53 provided funds to equip the new Birthing Centre in the recently constructed Hospital at Jibajibe in Nepal.

The Hospital is located in the remote Rasuawa District to the north-west of Kathmandu and sits on a mountain-top, which is accessed by 53 miles of very poor roads. The building was funded by Rotary and built by the High Himalayan Community Project.

Inner Wheel District A53 (Sydney and surrounds) recently provided funds to equip the new Birthing Centre with beds, cupboards, general supplies, etc. and medical equipment (steriliser, hand held ultrasound, suction equipment, humidicrib) together with a backup generator.  Women can now have their babies in relative safety and comfort (versus the buffalo shed).

PDC Wendy Wonson (IWC West Harbour secretary) and her daughter recently visited the hospital. Wendy was very moved by the presentation ceremony and the wall plaque and the clear joy of the staff at having a well equipped hospital to look after mums and babies in a way that was not possible before.

Thanks go to Inner Wheel District A53, High Himalayan Community Projects and other donors.

Margarette Golding Award

Telka Williams MBE, Member at Large from Alice Springs, Northern Territory, has received the prestigious Margarette Golding Award.  The award was presented by International Inner Wheel

Telka with IIW President Dr Kapila Gupta

President Dr Kapila Gupta at the Inner Wheel Australia Conference in Lismore in October 2017.  The award is recognition for many years of community service –

  • Long term commitment to the citizens of Alice Springs, white, indigenous and disabled.
  • Long serving member and volunteer of Red Cross from her junior days, serving as President for 13 years.
  • Started the Meals on Wheels unit and worked tirelessly for this programme and now  a recipient of this service.
  • Telka worked and lobbied for the establishment of a special school for children with disabilities and later started the Bindi Centre to provide opportunities for older people with disabilities within the community. The Bindi Incorporated website now proudly states “In the heartland of Central Australia lies Bindi Inc a cross cultural organisation providing opportunities for all people with disabilities for over 32 years”.
  • In her position of matron of the Alice Springs gaol, she enhanced the lives of the indigenous women prisoners by teaching them to cook and sew.
  • In 1977 Telka was made Member of the Order of the British Empire
  • Telka continues her support of these organisations to this day and still manages to travel from Central Australia to most IWA functions.


Margarette Golding Award

Congratulations to Patti Stafford, member of the Inner Wheel Club of Wangaratta, A61, on being awarded a Margarette Golding Award.  IWA President Marilyn said, “It was a privilege to be asked to present this honour to Patti, we are very proud of her and her service.”

This award was given “In recognition of lifelong, selfless dedication and unstinting service to the local and wider community over a variety of areas – youth, the aged, sport, business and community promotion.”

Patti is pictured with IWA President Marilyn and A61 District Chairman Margaret Ferguson

IWA 2017 Conference

The 49th Annual IWA Conference will be held in Lismore, NSW, 11-15 October, 2017.

Registration has now closed – we hope to see you there!