Inner Wheel District A53 provided funds to equip the new Birthing Centre in the recently constructed Hospital at Jibajibe in Nepal.
The Hospital is located in the remote Rasuawa District to the north-west of Kathmandu and sits on a mountain-top, which is accessed by 53 miles of very poor roads. The building was funded by Rotary and built by the High Himalayan Community Project.
Inner Wheel District A53 (Sydney and surrounds) recently provided funds to equip the new Birthing Centre with beds, cupboards, general supplies, etc. and medical equipment (steriliser, hand held ultrasound, suction equipment, humidicrib) together with a backup generator. Women can now have their babies in relative safety and comfort (versus the buffalo shed).
PDC Wendy Wonson (IWC West Harbour secretary) and her daughter recently visited the hospital. Wendy was very moved by the presentation ceremony and the wall plaque and the clear joy of the staff at having a well equipped hospital to look after mums and babies in a way that was not possible before.
Thanks go to Inner Wheel District A53, High Himalayan Community Projects and other donors.